Data makes you efficient and provides an overview

More transparency on construction sites — this is what the use of data management systems makes possible. Thanks to these, complex processes in projects in construction logistics are clearly presented and planning efficiency is ensured.
Asesh Bhaumick
Yvette Körber
Inga-Leena Schwager

The bigger a construction project is, the more planning challenges. This is due to the interdependence of processes and the complexity of stakeholders and companies involved. And duplication also characterizes the processes: Today, only around 50 percent of operational business is actually planned on a construction site — the rest is decided and worked on site on an ad hoc basis. All this not only costs nerves, but also a lot of money.

In view of the growing complexity due to ever more requirements and rising costs, efficient construction logistics is becoming increasingly important. We see the solution to this in digitalization — specifically in data-protected construction logistics management.

Dank digitalem Datenmanagement wurde aus unzähligen Basler Roche Liegenschaften das Inventar katalogisiert, mit Ressourcen verknüpft und ein optimaler Bezugsterminplan wurde berechnet.
A first for the industry: For the first time, a schedule was created from a computer calculation. Using data analytics (DCL), we used the Roche project to determine which goods had to be moved when and where. The challenge was that the highly specialized experts required to start up certain devices worked worldwide and were only available to a limited extent. Our solution: targeted programming of the algorithm.

Transparency thanks to data analysis

Data-protected construction logistics management combines the intelligent use of data to make forecasts of processes — and to develop smooth processes thanks to data services. The overview is essential: Thanks to tools such as the schedule analyzer, it is possible to see all important processes at a glance, with a dashboard showing schedules, resources and costs. This technology makes it possible to view the target/actual reconciliation between planning and execution at any time and to continuously adjust poorly coordinated processes or delays.

Everything at a glance thanks to a digital dashboard

Our data services not only provide an overview, but also make it possible to design construction processes. By evaluating the variety of data sources from a construction site, interfaces are identified, evaluated and optimally linked for the project plan. Thanks to different analytical perspectives, the customer's ideas can be addressed — and the most important information for them is accessible via a single dashboard. As a “single point of truth”, this “control center” is an essential planning element that is used to monitor construction progress and for quality assurance. What is the volume of the material to be installed? Or when does which company deliver which material to which location? Thanks to real-time information, construction progress is transparent.

Data makes you efficient and provides an overview

Reduce delays thanks to precision

In addition, data-protected construction logistics management makes it possible to answer planning questions reliably and precisely. Using a four-dimensional model (space plus time), a precise logistics, process and schedule planning is created for the respective construction project. Specifically, the principle is based on the integration of quantities and volumes (3D) and temporal information such as deadlines (4th dimension), from which logistics can be visualized over time. In this way, ideal delivery flows on construction sites can be planned, truck journeys can be timed using a schedule, the timing of the elevators can be defined by employees, or better utilization of storage space can be calculated. Thanks to the use of self-developed sensors, the planning tool is fed with real-time information. In this way, DCL guarantees precise planning — and thus the minimization of delays.

Learning for the future

Our data services make increasing complexity more tangible. Our experience shows this: Thanks to digital construction logistics, processes have been carried out on average 20 percent more efficiently over the construction projects carried out so far. At the same time, there was 35 percent less construction site traffic, delivery stability was increased by 25 percent and express deliveries were reduced by 85 percent. Based on this data, it is now possible to learn for the future: The analysis of previous experiences can be used as the basis for future simulations or logistics patterns for construction projects, which can increase predictability even more and make processes more agile. Amberg Loglay is currently developing the “7D future” in collaboration with various universities: Topics such as construction costs, recycling and moving in and out of the standard process are to be integrated into the standard process.

Dank digitalem Datenmanagement konnte der Neubau des KSSG und des OKS auch in Peakphasen optimal koordiniert werden.
The new construction of the KSSG and OKS presented challenges due to the tight construction conditions and the sophisticated architecture. Thanks to digital data management, it was possible to coordinate a total of 60,000 pallets of material and 450 specialists during peak phases during the sophisticated site structures.

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